Thursday, February 9, 2012

we could look good together

i start at the hospital tomorrow. super nervous, which means im stress eating. fml.
this morning before stepping into the shower i looked in the mirror. i think i look slimmer. not showing on scale but visibly a little bit...i thought i had a gap between my thighs, but when i stood up straighter it disappeared =( at least its kinda there, im closer.

M has a problem with our size difference. hasnt said anything but i can tell. still havnt talked to him, but cant stop thinking bout it. my body frame is a little wider than his, and hes a little shorter even in flats. i dont know how much is just the height, but since i cant change that i NEED to be smaller than him in everything else. i need  for him to look at me and think, wow shes small....

1 comment:

  1. I think the same way whenever I'm with a guy! I want to for sure be the smaller one no questions asked. Love ur thinspo. And wow I'm no where close to gap between my thighs!! I envy u
